Monday, July 28, 2008

Just What Does HR Do, Anyway?

Someone who has been waiting anxiously for an answer after an interview might be justified in wondering what exactly it is that HR people do all day. After all, how long can it take them to make a decision and process the paperwork? For that matter, is it even in HR’s hands at this point? Probably not.

In most cases HR is only a conduit, a partner with the hiring manager. They may do some light screening of resumes, schedule the interviews, and yes, handle paperwork. And if you do not hear back from the company, it’s most likely because of corporate policy and not the fault of an individual HR person.

I’ve said earlier that if you don’t hear back from a company it’s not because they’ve forgotten about you. Some individuals claim that such things do indeed happen, and that it has happened to them. I won’t dispute that; I can imagine that key people might go on vacation or leave the company, and paperwork might get lost. But I would say that if a company is careless enough to let an applicant fall through the cracks, chances are the candidate is not at the top of the “must hire” list anyway.

Some people have a dismissive attitude towards HR. They consider HR to be clueless gatekeepers who stand in the way of your getting to the hiring manager. And this attitude is seen in both candidates and outside recruiters. This is unfortunate and an unrealistic view of most companies.

At most tech companies HR generally does not consist of technical people. Some of them may have a technical degree, but most are far removed from technology. Still, they are not drones; they are key resources critical for implementing and managing the company’s strategy, work environment, and internal policies. They are often called “HR Business Partners” for good reason; they help technical managers navigate the often treacherous waters of hiring and managing employees.

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